Tuesday, December 04, 2012

If the Boot Fits

You probably saw this picture that was snapped by a tourist in Manhattan of a police officer buying a homeless man a $100 pair of boots for his bare feet on a cold night.

Whose heart wasn't touched by this act of kindness?  Apparently the dude who was the beneficiary.

Jeffrey Hillman, the 54-year-old bare footed man, is actually not even homeless.  He gets social security income and was the recipient of a program that finds apartments for the formerly homeless.  He is also a veteran.

He has hidden the boots because they're too expensive and he could lose his life or so he claims.  They're probably just in the closet in his Bronx apartment that no one is supposed to know he has.

In all probability the Skechers look too nice and therefore put a real damper on his ability to panhandle successfully.

Hillman is also looking for the money he deserves for having his picture go viral.  After all, he didn't give his permission.

No matter what might be wrong with him, aside from cold feet, Mr. Hillman seems to know how to get a piece of the pie quite successfully.

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