Friday, June 08, 2012

Lust For Life

This is Luka Magnotta and he has some crazy appetite.  It runs along the same lines as Rudy Eugene's but not because he's high on bath salts.

Oft referred to as "Canadian cannibal" Mr. Magnotta is locked up in a German prison awaiting extradition.  He is accused of killing his lover, Jun Lin, with an ice pick and dismembering him.  After accomplishing that task he ate some of Mr. Lin's choicest bits and had sex with other parts.  What he didn't use he mailed.  For instance, a foot was sent to the Conservative Party's headquarters in Ottawa and some other packages were sent to a school in Vancouver.


Now he's wanted in connection with a decapitation that took place in Hollywood.  You may remember we reported on the head of Harvey Medellin being discovered in Bronson Canyon Park by a dog who started playing fetch with it back in January.

Apparently Mr. Magnotta is starved not just for human body parts but for publicity.  He posted a video of himself killing, dismembering and feasting on Jun Lin on line.

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