What the hell were you waiting for?
Oh, and apparently all that's left to be ironed out is how much Edwards must pay in child support.
WTF? This is all that's bothering these people? Money? Why am I not surprised?
Elizabeth Edwards, long suffering wife of this scumbag and who is clearly insane, has said that it does not matter to her whether her husband fathered a child with Hunter, saying, "that would be a part of John's life, but not a part of mine."
And then there's the other dude who claimed to be the kid's daddy, a former Edwards aide, Andrew Young, who initially claimed paternity of the child shortly before the 2008 presidential primary contests began. Young is scheduled to release a book on Feb. 2 that details the scandal.
This is worse than what goes on at Melrose Place, Peyton Place and the hood.
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