Apparently this is the best photo available of attorney Julie Kamps. But what caught my eye wasn't the photo as the headline of the article in the NY Daily News: Lesbian Lawyer Julie Kamps files $50M sex harassment & discrimination lawsuit vs. her firm.
Naturally I assumed that the basis of the suit had something to do with the fact that she was a lesbian, but actually it seems she was discrimated against because of her voracious appetite. For food.
According to the newspaper anonymous insults were posted about her on the internet:
One sniped that she "regularly consumed over $150 worth of food at firm-sponsored lunches." Another complained that Kamps "subjected us repeatedly to looking at her hideous face."
Not very nice, but worth $50 million?
I think this'll be thrown out of court.
No, the comments are not the core of the suit but presumably confirm a hostile environment. In addition, there are other current discrimination cases against Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP by female former employees, who are not gay but were also terminated involuntarily, and which document incidents that, taken together, form the basis for alleged patterns of harassment and or discrimination. Also, earlier in the decade two discrimination cases by former Fried Frank secretaries resulted in (1) ending harassment against an older secretary, who was thereby able to continue working until she voluntarily retired; and (2) a settlement for a younger, black secretary named Bobbie Fisher, who, according to reporting in The Amsterdam News, was fired without cause. Based on my own professional experience with Julie Kamps, I have no reason whatsoever to doubt her honesty and integrity.
Thank you for your input. Of course anything the NYDN has to be regarded with a salt shaker full of salt.
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