Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's in the Constitution, Dang It!

South Carolinians were really pumped for Black Friday this year. Why? Because guns were being sold tax-free!

Heck, ya kin buy a lot more weapons and ammo iffin ya don't have to pay no tax on 'em.

You needed to be lined up by 3:30 a.m. if you wanted to procure a gun when the stores opened at 6 a.m.

Personally I don't know why you'd need another Smith & Wesson under the Christmas tree, but if you do you could have saved about $60 on a typical handgun.

All you had to do was show the sales clerk your driver's license and fill out a form that just requested basic information. Some clerks didn't even require a social security number.

New York City officials were less than happy with the gun sale as they claim 85% of illegal guns in New York can be traced to five southern states of which South Carolina is one.

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