This man, Bradford Campeau-Laurion, was at a Yankee game the other night when he felt the need to urinate. He didn't want to piss on the pitcher's mound or in the dugout or anything like that. He wanted only to use the restroom.
But a couple of New York's Finest wouldn't let him leave during the playing of "God Bless America."
Ole Bradford made the mistake of saying he didn't care about "God Bless America," he had to pee.
The coppers pulled his arms behind his back, ejected him from the stadium, and told him if he didn't like the song, he could leave the country.
The Police Department claims Mr. Campeau-Laurion was standing on a seat, drunk out of his mind, and evidently ready to piss on the crowd, but gee, looking at this guy he doesn't look capable of doing that.
Well, no one's suing anyone. Yet.
1 comment:
You see this what I don't get. Don't these flag wavers realize that America is about freedom and freedom means pissing wherever and whenever you goddam please.
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