A 61-year-old woman was found dead in the bathroom on a Delta Airlines flight that landed in Atlanta earlier today. The flight had originated in Los Angeles. Although foul play is not suspected, an autopsy will be performed. Apparently at Atlanta International Airport this is not a strange occurrence. This sort of thing happens several times a year.
I would hope that should this fate befall me it will be after I've finished using the loo and not whilst my panties are still wrapped around my ankles.
In other toilet news ... the man who allowed his 'girlfriend' to stay in the bathroom for two years and then was charged with mistreatment of a dependent adult after she was found stuck to the toilet is now on probation.
Pam Babcock asked for leniency for her boyfriend because she did not believe her being stuck to the toilet seat for a month was his fault.
Let this be a lesson to all of you. If your loved one is in the bathroom for over a month, don't accept that "I'll be out in a minute," line.
1 comment:
Isn't that where Elvis performed his last "number"?
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