Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Thank you, South Carolina Jury!

Okay, okay, we won't get into the pros and cons of the death penalty. Let's just say there are people it is best to get off the streets and into prison where they can become somebody's bitch.

The teenager who blew his grandparents' brains out while they slept three years ago because they disciplined him for choking another kid on the school bus is one I'm glad will be put away for the next 30 years. Unfortunately he'll be 45 when he's released and probably ripe for a middle-aged white man's midlife crisis which will no doubt include some sort of slaughter.

Nice job not falling for the "Let's blame it on Zoloft," defense, Jury. If it wasn't that, it would have been some genetic excuse or let's blame the doctor who delivered him (who might have dropped him on his head) or the kid who was "asking for" a good choking.

Or let's just blame it on Granny and Gramps. They were asking for it. Disciplining him. Imagine that. Gee, you don't hear that word "discipline" too much any more, except in a negative way, of course. Now we know it's just an invitation to having your brains blown out.

No, of course no one is responsible for their actions. It's always somebody else's fault.

Well at least in South Carolina, for one brief moment of shining sanity, they weren't buying into that.


Anonymous said...

Everybody has an opinion about everything. Whether they know it or not. I mean I really rather not have an opinion on this subject. My initial reaction is both sides are wrong. Not ever wanting to be wrong I try desperately to not choose either side. So I twiddle my thumbs, whistle a broken tune, my eyes darting nervously to the various peripheries of the sockets. My feet shuffling with a mind of their own. Secretly trying to not let thought coalesce into the omnipresent thought: what would I do if I were in charge.

I really rather not have an opinion about abortion either. Again, both sides have intrinsic fallacies. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Contradictory thoughts dammed in my fucking head. Taking refuge in the cop-out truism, "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."

Good thing everybody aint like me. Nothing would get done.

Or... maybe that which did get done would be done so thoughtfully so as to walk the fine line between sides and find the balance between justice and compassion.

Naaa....nothing would get done.

Anonymous said...

or as my good friend gerg (from the planet e-rath) would sometimes say when speaking, "follow your instincts and you'll always be right or wrong."

Anonymous said...

I use to NOT believe in the death penalty until I was able to rationalize that state sanctioned murder was a kindness. At the moment of release the poor bastard is put out of the misery he may or may not be aware of. Zap! his inhumanity is no longer his concern or total lack thereof that he has been wrestling with or not vaguely familiar with. Boom! Whoosh! Gone! Good!

Anonymous said...

i have a problem with conjugal visits. who thought of that one?

next question: do rapists get conjugal visits. i really hope someone realizes that this would be a total abomination.

i'm all for prisoners rights but if i were the warden and a prisoner representative came to me explaining the sexual urges of the population was causing undue stress
i'd say okay give me a list of all those who are experiencing this malady. then with list in hand i'd closely monitor the castration procedure for each of these (just-don't-get-it) bastards. for each "chop, chop" i'd be more than willing to pronounce, "this is prison, sweetheart."