Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Worse than the Dark Ages

The flap over Representative Todd Akin's 'misspeak' continues.  Akin says he misspoke which means he caught telling an out an out falsehood.  A female rape victim's body doesn't shut down any incoming sperm to prevent pregnancy.

Now we have former governor and current Fox News hot air balloon Mike Huckabee to put his spin on the Akin idiocy.

Huckabee pointed out that we have lots of fine people who were conceived as a result of forcible rape.

Like Ethel Waters.

Is there anyone under 110 who knows who Ethel Waters was?  Well, being over 110 I can tell you she was an African-American actress back in the days when negroes knew their places which were in the back of the bus or washing your kitchen floor.

One can forgive the ancients for thinking that sperm were just little people sent into a woman's vagina to gestate, but it's the twenty-first century and we actually know better.

We know there is such a thing as science and that the moon isn't made out of green cheese.  We know that Creationists are delusional.  Jesus did not ride a dinosaur.

The ancient Greeks and Romans actually had a better handle on reality than the people who call themselves conservatives in this century which is frightening.  What is even worse is that there are idiots electing them to office to make decisions for the rest of us.

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