Friday, August 24, 2012

This Little Piggy Had None

It's amazing this sort of thing doesn't happen more often.

In Thailand, a woman killed, cooked and ate her sons because she thought they were pigs.

Of course they were only one and five years old so how much of a mess could they have made?  Gee, if they had lived to be teenagers!

Oh wait a minute.  She was hallucinating.  She'd been treated for the last five years for some sort of mental illness.  Oh, and she stopped taking her meds a few months ago. 

Seriously though, cannibalism is alive and well in the world.  Can we forget the face eating nude dude in Florida?  He wasn't high on bath salts either.  In Brazil last spring three people were arrested for killing a woman and making pastries with her flesh.  A ladyfinger cake perhaps?  And in Papua, New Guinea a cult enjoyed eating their victims' brains and penises till the coppers shut them down.

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