Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh, What a Tangled Mess We Weave

You just can't beat the charm of Nashville, Tennessee and some of its beguiling inhabitants.

This story will make you weep with joy, or at least cry.

Dude on top is Henry Baxter.  Dude underneath is Erman Thompson.  Mr. Thompson, who spent his life looking for his missing "H" is now deceased and Mr. Baxter appears to be responsible.

Seems that the two men got into an argument over Mrs. Thompson.  Well, one thing led to another and Baxter shot Thompson in the head and stuck his body in a garbage can.

Guess he got to thinking (or as near to it as one can do when you have the IQ of a garden slug) and went back to decapitate the corpse.  Then he returned both sections of the late Erman back in the can.

Even though the body was real ripe when discovered by the police, they were able to identify Erman's body by his tattoos.  That's because Henry was the one who put 'em there.

And that's not even the interesting part.

Seems that Baxter was the adopted son of the Thompsons even though he is but eleven years younger than his adopted pa.

To add insult to injury, Baxter had also fathered one of Mrs. Thompson's children.  Oh, and the third child wasn't Erman's either.  Probably some other guy fathered him.

You'll get a kick out of Mrs. Thompson's statement to Nashville's Channel 2 News:

"My kids no longer have a father," she said. "How do you tell your children their dad is not coming back? I can't do it. I haven't found the words yet. I know I have it inside of me and it will happen."

Thank God for my friends giving me strength to deal with this. I won't cry in front of my kids. I won't show I am sad. [I hope] James(?) Baxter rots in jail the rest of his life. I'm sorry, you don't do that to someone you call dad."

Mrs. Thompson said she was not at home when the fight between the two men broke out.

"I was not home [at the time. I was] at church. All three [of the kids] were. They would [have] seen and heard a lot. I hope and pray they were not in the house to hear this." 

We beg to differ, Mrs. Thompson, but at least two of your children still have a living, breathing poppa.  Granted, one of them has a daddy who's going to jail where he's going to rot (your wish).

And as for the part where the kids were at church, one would think they were at church with you so you should probably know whether or not they were in the house.

Never mind.  Hopefully some authority will remove the children from your 'care.'

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