Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If the Spirit Moves You

Seems the only thing you can be sure of these days is that if you're going to fly somewhere your trip is going to suck.  If you're not getting obscenely groped by the TSA or the pilot isn't going berserk, probably one of the passengers will lose his shit mid-flight.

Take the Spirit Airlines Flight from Los Angeles to Fort Lauderdale which you by now wish you hadn't taken.

During the flight an 81-year-old blind dude became 'unruly,' which means he was kicking and screaming.  No reason for his outburst has been given but we bet it's a doozy.

The pilot landed in Houston where the aforementioned lunatic was taken away by the Houston Police Department but was subsequently released because the pilot didn't press charges.  Why the hell not?

The other passengers, the ones who were just minding their own business and anxious to get to Florida for some unknown reason, spent an hour on the tarmac with no air conditioning and we all know how sultry Houston is in the middle of July.  Then they had to wait another ten hours in the airport for a plane to come and pick them up.  That almost didn't happen because Spirit isn't licensed to fly out of Houston.

If we'd been on that flight we would be suing the airline, pressing charges against the blind dude and beating him over the head with his cane.

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