Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Hearts Stop Beating as One

This is a picture of Gordon and Norma Yeager, a couple from Iowa who were together for 72 years until their deaths last week.

Seems the media can't get enough of the story of these two darlings who must have been in their nineties at the very least.

Last Wednesday Gordon pulled his car into the middle of a busy intersection causing an accident. The duo were rushed to the hospital where they died holding hands.

Their family decided at their wake to jam them both into one casket so they could hold hands. They will be cremated, their ashes mingled and their remains buried. Snaps to the family for their economical handling of the funeral arrangements.

What has not been discussed is why Gordon was still driving and how many people he either injured or killed by sort of forgetting what the hell he was doing. Seriously, what was the old guy still doing operating a motor vehicle? The Yeagers might have had a few good years left together.

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