Monday, October 17, 2011

Flaming Idiocy

First off, could we please stop calling auto racing a sport? It is not, no more than jumping off a bridge is one.

This is a picture from the latest racing crack up over the weekend. Some of the drivers say it was the worst crash they'd ever seen and we have no doubt it was. Until the next one, that is.

Racer Dan Wheldon was killed. We understand he won the Indy 500 this year and in 2005.

Driving around in a circle at very fast speeds is ridiculous. Have you ever tried to enter a traffic circle in New Jersey? Same thing, except you don't win a $5 million prize, you just escape with your life which for some of us is enough.

Shall we start on NASCAR again? Even more idiotic except your entire car is plastered with huge product logos.

Let's burn as much fossil fuel as possible in the form of gas, oil and tires and see how many people can be injured or die.

Fabulous. And we thought the Romans were barbarians.

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