Monday, October 03, 2011

The Eyes Have It

Yesterday in a church in Viareggio, Italy, during Mass and just before the priest was about to give his homily, a man caused quite a commotion by gouging out his eyes.

Aldo Bianchini, 46, collapsed in a pool of blood after his self-mutilation. He was rushed to the hospital where doctors tried to save his sight. Allegedly, he was advised to rip his eyes out by the voices in his head.

Now the priest went right on celebrating Mass but quite a few of the congregation had to leave because they were traumatized.

We are reminded of the story of St. Lucy (a Sicilian chick) who gouged out her eyes when some emperor or somebody wanted her to look at something 'dirty.' Maybe Aldo had just seen the latest issue of Playboy and thought this was a chance at sainthood.

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