Monday, July 25, 2011

Glitter Twins

Funny thing about some people who protest government spending. Sometimes they are the first ones on line to get some Federal handouts.

Take Marcus Bachmann for instance. Please. If you can get him out of the closet.

Seems that Marcus's 'mental health' clinic wherein folks 'pray away the gay' got at least $137,000 in Medicaid funding. Medicaid, as you may have heard, is a program wherein the poor receive monetary assistance for medical expenditures; the government pays their medical bills.
Mrs. Bachmann, who is campaigning for the Republican Presidental nomination, has complained that Medicaid swells the welfare rolls.

The Bachmanns of Iowa have relieved the Federal government of a quarter of a million dollars in farming subsidies.

Funny how when you're taking money from the Feds for yourself, it seems to be all right.

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