Thursday, September 30, 2010

You Don't Have to be Crazy to Run for Governor, but ... it doesn't hurt

This is Carl Paladino. He's running for Governor of New York on the Republican ticket. He's one of those Tea Party candidates, and by the way, he's insane.

First he was exposed as having sent horrible e-mails to his 'friends.' These included themes of racism and bestiality.

Mr. Paladino made his fortune in the 'construction' business. I'm thinking this included pouring cement coffins.

He got into a verbal altercation with a reporter from the New York Post which is almost impossible if you're a conservative candidate, considering the NYP is the right wing toy of Rupert Murdoch.

The candidate threatened to 'take him out' if the reporter didn't stop covering Paladino's ten year old daughter.

The reporter denied taking pictures of the kid, but be that as it may, there should be no doubt what Paladino meant by taking him out. Hint: It doesn't mean they should go to the movies.

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