Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hate Crime Does Not Pay

The young man brandishing the gun is Michael Enright. He got in Ahmed Sharif's taxi the other night and asked him if he was a Muslim. When Sharif said yes, Enright slashed his throat.

Not cool, Mr. Enright.

People who know the slasher claim they would never in a million years expect that of the twenty-one year old film student even if he was liquored up which he was.

Of course you wouldn't, assholes. Why would he show his bigoted side to you white bread folks? He's not looking for Muslims in his local Christian church.

The ironic part to all this is that Enright allegedly does volunteer work for an organization called Intersections International which promotes peace and brotherhood. Yeah right. I'm sure he was just doing that for extra credit.

I hope the pudgester gets everything that's coming to him for attempted murder.

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