I have to confess I don't give penis piercings a whole lot of thought, but when they have passed through my mind I've thought, "Ouch," and "What for?"
Well, obviously had I known about Sergeant Andrew Lawrance of Australia I would have had quite a different view.
Seems Andrew impressed his colleagues by attaching a bottle opener to his private piercing so he could open a few beers for his mates. Now this took place back in 2008 and this week the pierced policeman had to testify about it in front of a commission because his boss was offended (even though he didn't see it). He may lose his job because of his party trick!
Believe it or not he had to get counseling for doing the same stunt several years ago.
Now I choose to believe it isn't Sergeant Lawrance who has the problem, it's his dickless superiors. They're just jealous I suspect.
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