I want very much to give Floridians the benefit of the doubt and assume that not all of their elected officials are assholes, but it's becoming increasingly difficult.
Take Attorney General Bill McCollom for instance. Please. And make sure he's not elected Governor while you're at it.
McCollom was the dude who hired George Rekers. Yeah, that George Rekers, the anti-gay activist who was caught with a male escort. Ol' AG Bill hired George to make the case against adoptions by gay and lesbian couples. He put him on the stand to testify as to why gay couples should not be allowed to adopt actual children, despite the fact that the apparently gay Rekers had himself adopted a child.
Judges who heard Rekers paid testimony threw it out, both in Florida and Arkansas.
Let us not forget that Rekers was on the board of NARTH, the group that thinks homosexuality can be cured as if it were a disease.
And yet McCollom stands by his decision to hire Rekers, saying he was the best expert he could find, although he admits he wouldn't have if he'd known 'that' about him.
Yes, Mr. McCollom. You prefer opposite parents raising children and in some bizarre reasoning you note that single mothers have a difficult time doing that. Maybe because there's just one of her? Or because it's hard doing anything on one income?
Please go away and take your narrow mind with you.
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