Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pedophilia is "Bigger Than Jesus"

Things just keep getting crazier and crazier with the Vatican's mouthpieces not knowing when to shut the hell up.

Take Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Please. During a news conference in Chile he said that celibacy wasn't the problem; homosexuality is the cause of pedophilia in the church. This is similar to what loud-mouthed Bill Donohue said in a full-page ad in the NY Times last month.

Well, first of all, no. Celibacy originated in the Middle Ages because it was getting messy having cardinals leaving their money and power to their offspring. Oh, they still fucked like bunnies after celibacy was imposed but since their progeny were all bastards they couldn't inherit anything. Quite a different ball of wax.

Even the Pope doesn't believe homosexuality is the cause of pedophilia and said so during his U.S. visit two years ago.

As further diversion, the Vatican's newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, has made peace with the Beatles, saying their dissolute lives and John Lennon's remark that they were "bigger than Jesus," are all in the past.

Totally crazy.

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