Sunday, April 11, 2010

Back to the USSR

How many times have you said, "Gee, I wish people had to get a license before they have kids?" Okay, well I've said it a lot.

From what I've heard about adoptions, the requisites are stringent and it costs a fortune so it's almost like having to get a license.

Well, some woman from Tennessee adopted a seven-year-old orphan from Siberia but she returned him the other day. She stuck him on a plane with a note and sent him back to Russia alone, requesting the adoption be annulled.

“He is violent and has severe psychopathic issues/behaviors,” she wrote. “After giving my best to this child, I am sorry to say that for the safety of my family, friends and myself, I no longer wish to parent this child.”

The Russians claim there was nothing wrong with this kid except he has flat feet.

Word is Torry-Ann Hansen spent four days with Artem Savaliev in Siberia before she was allowed to bring him to the US and apparently there weren't any problems. No word on how long he'd been living in Tennessee with her.

Are you happy Torry-Ann now that you've caused an international incident and fucked it up for other Russian kids waiting to be adopted? Nice going.

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