Saturday, April 10, 2010

All the News That's Fit to Print

Stephen Kiesle, possibly the worst pedophile priest of recent times

Apparently the way you take care of the crisis in the Roman Catholic Church regarding sexual abuse, pedophilia and the ensuing cover-ups, is to stop talking about it. At least that seems to be the Vatican's approach.
Because the NY Times has been unrelenting in its coverage of the facts as they become known, the 'faithful' are being advised to boycott the newspaper. Of course. That's the way to deal with an international problem that has been ignored and silenced for centuries.
The NY Times reports today that it took six years to finally defrock the Reverend Stephen Kiesle who served in the Diocese of Oakland, California. His bishop requested it in 1981; in 1985, Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) responded by letter, in essence saying, 'Let's not rush into anything.'
It appears that the Church was slow to defrock abusers because so many priests were abandoning the ship after Vatican II. Better to have a church full of pedophile priests than no priests at all.
Rick Simons, an attorney in Hayward, Calif., who represented two of the victims who later sued the Diocese of Oakland, said he met Father Kiesle when he took his deposition in prison.
“Of all the priests who abused children that I have met, and there’s probably a couple dozen, he was by far the most evil, remorseless sociopath of the lot,” he said.
It's cost the Diocese ~$8 million to pay off eight of the children Kiesle abused. He lives in Walnut Creek, California and is listed on sex offenders' registries.

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