Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Altered Boys

Your tip off that all might not be well in the Brazilian Roman Catholic Church should have come in March of 2009 when Archbishop Sobrinho excommunicated a mother and a doctor because they provided an abortion for the woman's child who had been raped and impregnated by her stepfather.

Eighty-three-year-old Monsignor Luiz Marques Barbosa has recently been detained by the authorities in Sao Paolo for molesting boys. Unbelievable, si?

A video hit the internet showing Monsignor Barbosa in bed with a nineteen-year-old with whom he'd been having a sexual relationship since the boy was 12. I somehow missed that. I was probably watching another cat play the piano. Prosecutors will now decide on whether or not to pursue child abuse charges. Why is 'not' even an option?

Yes, South America is crawling with priestly pedophiles in the most predominately Catholic continent on the planet and this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

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