Monday, March 29, 2010

There's Always Room for Jell-O

Today's Charming Couple

You may have been oblivious to Alexander and Christine Clement's recent crime wave on Long Island, but if not, you can now sleep more soundly at night knowing they're behind bars.

The Clements have been arrested and charged with five counts of petty larceny and five counts of tampering with a consumer product in the second degree.

Seems the dynamic duo (he's 68 and she's 64) were buying boxes of Jell-O pudding, taking them home, evidently whipping up pudding and then returning the boxes to the store for refunds. Oh, they didn't just bring back empty boxes - they're too clever for that - they refilled the boxes with bags containing salt and sand.

Now you've got to wonder what would drive people to do this, other than the obvious reason that they're just crazy. Do they have that much of a Jell-O Jones that they can't afford it?

Somebody call Bill Cosby.

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