Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Revenge is a Sushi-Filled Lacquer Dish Best Served Cold

A few days ago a man in California was driving his Toyota Prius when the accelerator pedal got stuck. There he was on the freeway doing 94mph when he called the police and asked for help. Maybe begged for help is a better description.

By engaging the emergency brake and shutting off the engine, the vehicle eventually stopped fortunately before the driver's heart also stopped.

The driver had gotten a recall letter from Toyota, but when he went to the dealership he was told his vehicle was not on the list. Whoops. Guess that wasn't quite right.

Toyota has been recalling lots of vehicles lately, but not before they did their best not to have to recall any.

World War II anyone? Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Do you think it's a coincidence we kicked major Japanese butt in World War II and now they're killing us little by little in their Toyotas?

Consider yourself warned, round eyed people.

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