Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Let's Talk About Fat Kids

Yet another doctor has conned a foundation into funding ridiculous research.

Dr. Matthew Gillman has been following 2,000 pregnant women and children for years, apparently from Burger King to Baskin-Robbins and all points in between. Oh yeah, Harvard ran the study so that makes it not only legit but gospel.

Some of the "Gee! I wish I'd thought of that!" conclusions:

Babies and toddlers are getting fatter. Really?

Chubby babies may be getting too fat. Wow!

Pregnant women who smoke might have smaller babies, but later on the babies will be fat.

Listen up, overpaid researchers. Women who smoke are stupid, especially pregnant women. Stupid people don't eat right. They don't understand the basic concepts of nutrition. They don't know that stuffing their faces with junk will make them fat, and if they do suspect it, they really don't give a shit.

They like things fried and if you could put exercise in the deep fryer they might consider adding it to their lives.

Exercising and moving around burn off calories but it also takes time away from eating which is all they're really interested in.

Case closed.

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