Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

No, sillies, not the movie! The real one! The one starring this dude, Kevin Garn, who is Utah's house majority leader!
Oh, I love scandals in Utah! Utah scandals ~ they are absolutely the best. Closets in Utah are stuffed to overflowing.
Back in 1985, Garn was a 28 year old married man who found himself in a hot tub with Cheryl Maher who was 15 years old at the time. And as fate would have it, neither one of them was clothed. Best of all, Garn was once Maher's Sunday school teacher.
Fast forward to 2002. Garn pays Maher $150,000 to keep her perky little mouth shut about what happened.
As if all of this wasn't nauseating enough, CBS News reports:
After Garn, with his wife beside him, made his shocking admission Thursday, fellow lawmakers "gave him thunderous applause for his honesty and embraced him," according to the AP. Garn had been instrumental in passing a series of ethics bills through the legislature.
Thunderous applause? Honesty? Are you fucking kidding me?

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