Monday, February 08, 2010

Scott Lee Cohen is a Douche Bag

So why did Scott Lee Cohen relinquish the Democratic Party's nomination for Lieutenant Governor during the Super Bowl? Because he thought no one would notice or because he'd had a few too many brewskies?

And the question is: Does he know he's a douche bag or is he just taking everyone's word for it?

According to the AP:

Since Cohen won the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, it has become widely known that he was accused of abusing his ex-wife and holding a knife to the throat of an ex-girlfriend — a woman who was herself charged with prostitution. He also admits using steroids in the past.

Yes, he's a real charmer; perfect for Illinois politics.

His resignation could only have been more perfect if Chicago's football team had been in the Super Bowl as he gave his blubbery speech.

Duh Bears.

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