Friday, August 07, 2009

Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round

Life is for the living, right? One of the bad things about dying is that you've got to be taken care of; you know, disposed of, somehow, somewhere other than your backyard or the neighborhood park. Unfortunately, especially in this recession, it all costs money.

If families don't have the money and/or the willingness to pay for the funeral, the county has to foot the bill, and that all adds up to big bucks.

In Detroit, they can stash a decedent in Potter's Field for $750. So how come the average burial costs around $7K? What kind of crazy mark-up is that?

Wouldn't you rather put $7K towards your mortgage, car or education? Who the hell wants to blow it on a casket and some canned organ music? Maybe you didn't like Great Aunt Fannie all that much anyway and she didn't leave you anything except her chihuahua that she never housebroke.

Times are tough, but we really can't have rotting corpses piling up all over the place. What's a cash-strapped county to do?

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