Monday, November 12, 2012

All In -

You may have heard by now that General David Petraeus, late of the battlefield and more recently running the CIA, failed to keep his johnson in his pants and instead went All In with his paramour and biographer, Paula Broadwell.  He has resigned from his post and apologized to everyone, but it's a little too late now.

How did this all come to light?

Well, apparently Ms. Broadwell was jealous of another woman in the General's life.  No, not his wife but someone else, and she sent her horrible e-mails threatening God knows what.  Unfortunately, Ms. Broadwell used the General's CIA G-mail account to send those harassing e-mails.

The victim complained and that got the FBI involved because there are lots of Top Secret items in a CIA G-mail account as you can imagine.

Ms. Broadwell, who is twenty years younger than the General and married to some dude who is not as important as he, is obviously on a crazy train to nowhere.  

Which brings us to the General's wife, Holly.  By all accounts she deserves better than what she got; however, unfortunately she looks old enough to be the General's mom.  Holly, watch Moonstruck and take a lesson from Cher.  Become a babe and make the old man regret his actions.

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