Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Birds of a Feather

Joseph Smith
Founder of Mormonism
Willard Mitt Romney
Republican Nominee for the Presidency
of the United States of America

We've been doing some research on presidential candidate, Mitt Romney's, religion.  It isn't something that's discussed very much in today's political climate but we think it is instrumental to his desire to be elected.

By all accounts, Joseph Smith was a charismatic leader who convinced an impressive number of people that he was given missing plates to fill in the blanks in the Bible of Christianity.  

You will forgive us for not having the space nor the time to give Mormonism a full accounting.  Let's just say that it's a very complicated religion, due in no small part to the fact that its scriptures have undergone countless revisions in the last 170 years.

Joseph Smith entered the presidential race of 1844 as an independent but was assassinated before the election and James W. Polk was elected.

One of Smith's tenets was that men can become gods; in fact, God was a man till he became a god.  Without question, Smith believed he was going to become a god along with others who had been selected and live on the planet Kolob (or on his own planet near the 'star' Kolob) where God's throne sits.

It doesn't seem much of a reach to imagine that Mitt Romney's desire to become the President of these United States hinges on the very core of the religion he believes in.  He doesn't want to just become the president; he wants to be a god.

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