Sunday, July 08, 2012

Sweet Dreams

This story came to our attention as further proof that 1) Florida is a vast wasteland and 2) drugs are bad for you.

Steve Tilbury, 17, and some friends ate some mushrooms and had a nice little party with tea they made from the fungi.  The friends left, Steve fell asleep, and when he woke up he wasn't sure he was awake.  He felt as if he was in a nightmare and couldn't escape from his house.

So he did what any teenager high on 'shrooms would do.  He went to his parents' bedroom, got their 22 caliber rifle and shot himself in the forehead.

Luckily, Steve didn't kill himself but he also didn't wake up from his nightmare.  He bandaged his head and then found someone to take him to the hospital.

Please note that Steve did not want to die.  He said he loves his life and  he's happy!  Steve, if that's true you need to stop messing with hallucinogenics.

His mother declined to comment.  No doubt she's delighted little Stevie is not suicidal.

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