Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Damn the Electric Fence!

This is a picture of Pastor Charles L. Worley, a preacher based on the unbiased state of North Carolina.

Pastor Worley uses his pulpit for what God intended every Sunday -- preaching the word of hate.

He told the congregation at his Baptist church (which bills itself as the Home of Old Time Religion) last Sunday that he had figured out a way to get rid of lesbians and homosexuals.

"Build a great, big, large fence - 50 or 100 mile long - put all the lesbians in there."ly over and drop some food. Do the same thing with the queers and the homosexuals, and have that fence electrified 'til they can't get out... And you know what, in a few years, they'll die out. Do you know why? They can't reproduce."

It's hard to believe that a man with that much biological knowledge went into the ministry instead of science, but there you have it. 

Oh, he later told the press he had been kidding.  All right, then why waste so much time on a Sunday morning telling a 'joke,' Pastor Worley?  Why not go on a stand-up comedy tour?  Maybe you'd starve like those dang queers.


skhanson said...

Oh now...he did say he would throw food over them and feed em...

He doesn't, however, seem to grasp that gay people don't reproduce OTHER GAY PEOPLE. Straight people have been making gay people at the fairly constant rate of 10% since the beginning of time. And since each couple is inconsistent in this reproductive pattern, it is darn unpredictable! So you can't even put the PARENTS of gay-producing children behind the fence and make them stop breeding. They may well make massive numbers of heterosexual kids as well! What is the poor, ignorant Minister Worley to do?

Moons in Leo said...

Thank you for your commment. It was spot on.