I have just been so slammed by life this week I haven't had a chance to blog!
And then I started wondering, is anything worth blogging about?
Martha's back home, there are a bunch of dolphins washed up in Marathon, Florida getting dehydrated in 6" of water, and the NHL is going to be sold in a tag sale. Are you getting the feeling, as I am, that life has lost something? Maybe that little ray of hope, that spark of sanity, that keeps us going?
Then I came to my senses and realized that when you think you have no reason to carry on something wonderful happens.
It's Friday.
Yup, it's Friday, my favorite day of the week. That day when the work you've been assaulted by all week is winding down and the next two days stretch gloriously in the future.
There is a reason to live. It may only be to see Saturday and Sunday, but don't underestimate those two good reasons.
I hate to be the cynic but I'm reminded of a song I almost wrote. Almost 'cause all I came up with was the title:
It's Always Almost Monday
but I'm willing to admit just as Lesley Gore had her answer song "It's Judy's Turn To Cry" to "It's My Party (And I'll Cry If I Want To)" you optimists out there can sing in reply ,"It's Always Almost Friday " and in fairness I would not be able to argue.
as if by magic it is now sunday and you will remember my prediction from some time ago: it is always almost monday
yup, i can predict the order of the days of the week with unwavering accuracy. some cry out, "how does he do it?" others exclaim, "he's without a doubt the second coming of nostradamos - as far as predicting the order of days of the week is concerned"
two songs come to mind,
Sunday Will Never Be The Same (now that YOU know, even on friday, it's always almost monday)
Eight Days a Week (even if the beatles were right [and they're not]it still would always almost monday)
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