It's snowing again here in New Jersey, so it's time to start thinking about swimsuit season.
Now most women I know are not happy with their bodies. Most of them think they're too fat. Or some think their breasts are too small, thighs are too big, etc.
Of course we can't all look like the models in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. And that would probably be because we eat.
I had a friend who was a runway model and subsisted on cocaine and Fresca. If she put anything resembling food in her mouth it would later be purged. Not a terribly healthy way to live.
Women are supposed to have curves. They're supposed to look like women, not like boys with breasts. The breasts they have are not supposed to look like a Barbie doll's tits. They should actually move when the person bearing them moves.
I know, I know. Radical ideas.
Nevertheless, you don't want to lie on the beach and have people try to drag you into the water to save your life thinking you're a beached whale.
Similarly, you should not be notified by the United Postal Service that your ass has been assigned its own zip code.
Is there a happy medium? Will women ever be happy with the way they look? What is the sound of one thigh chafing?
Perhaps developing a sense of inner peace will help you turn into a nice piece. Eating well, exercising (within reason because that can be a whole other story), being happy, avoiding stress are all ways to get comfortable with who you are.
It may not get you in the SI Swimsuit Edition, but it will keep staples out of your gut.
and add to that the fact that middle age women look so much better with a little extra padding.
nothing worse than a bony ass
and it doesn't take long before the effects of being too weight conscious become visible
eg. Cher - if only she had let herself age gracefully, now she's stuck trying to keep up the youthful look she has spent so much of her resources on and in the meantime definitely losing the war
Julia Roberts - already in the past few years she's been losing her "cuteness" in exchange for "gauntness"
on the other side of the coin is Elizabeth Taylor - I prefer her approach. yes at times she's put on too much weight. but i prefer that than the spectre of those beautiful violet eyes lost in bony sockets.
Kirstee Ally - she's about 70 lbs overweight but i'd recommend she only lose 40 and she'll look great.
Perhaps David Byrne of Talking Heads fame has something to add to this topic:
"Peace of mind's a piece of cake"
and that's my zen reference for the day
uh-oh i'm gonna try to show why it's such a great line and how it works on two or three (or 4)levels
1) cool that he works with the homonyms of peace and piece that can sometimes also have opposite allusions, ie peace is good, going to pieces is bad.
2) "piece of cake" means achieving peace is easy. but within self help circles it is certainly known that such is not the case unless one is able to "let go" which sounds simple but isn't unless you "do it" and then "it is"
3) piece of cake can also be taken literally. a refernce to there's nothing like sitting down with a piece of cake and a tall glass of cold milk and watching a movie lying down on your couch.
4) now a quick game of association. i'll say a phrase and then you say the phrase that first comes to mind
okay i say, piece of cake
and you say, .............
yup, you're right, piece of ass
which points to another reason why Byrne's line is so great - cause that is part of the package and he doesn't even have to say it. peace of mind. piece of cake. piece of ass. it's all there in one mouthful (or one mindful)telling us all we need to know what life is all about. 1)Food. 2)Sex. 3)just plain feeling good about yourself. 4)singing about the gloriousness of seeing it and feeling it
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