Monday, February 21, 2005

Presidents' Day

Okay so what are we up to now? Forty-three presidents of the United States? And the only two you ever see in ads for Presidents' Day sales are Washington and Lincoln. What about the other guys?

When President Nixon (you must remember him) got Presidents' Day rolling, he did so to honor all the presidents, not just the first and the sixteenth. I'm sure he intended to honor himself in that group as well.

Should we be doing more for the other presidents or less for the ones we honor ad nauseum?

Have you thought about Millard Fillmore today or either one of the Roosevelts? I mean if it's all the same to you, I'd prefer not to think about either one of the Bushes today. Or any day.

In fact, do the presidents have any particular relevance in our daily lives? Haven't we survived as a nation despite them rather than because of them?

Ever see a president when he finishes his term (if he hasn't been killed or died of "natural causes" midstream)? He looks like hell, doesn't he?

Being president can't be any better for the president himself than it is for the rest of us.

So, on this third Monday of February, take a break out of your schedule and thank God you aren't president, but that you get to enjoy a national holiday. That's all I'm saying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when my youngest was I guess around 8 or so I the proud father said something to the effect, and someday you'll be president

he immediately shot out, no not me.
i guess he was bright enough early on to know it just aint worth it

thankyou moons in leo for a delightful essay on this presidents day

and to all politicians, honest and otherwise, thanks for having such enourmous egos that you're willing to put in such long hours to get in office and stay there both in bars and in those places where you're suppose to be sometimes to keep this boat called america afloat

indeed, in spite of you and because of you