Friday, September 21, 2012

"Cover Your Eyes or I'll Scratch Them Out."

"I love the way your burqua shows off your Louis Vuitton handbag."

Stop us if you've heard this one.

An Iranian woman was stopped by a cleric as he was on his way to the mosque.  He asked her to cover herself.  Apparently her burqua wasn't covering quite enough of her face.

She told him to cover his eyes.

He repeated his request and then the woman went batshit, knocking him to the ground and kicking him to the extent that he spent three days in the hospital recovering.

To that we say, "You go, sister!"

There needs to be more of this in the world.  Arise, women in Muslim countries!  Stop taking this crap from men who are ordinarily allowed to beat the shit out of you in public of you violate the dress code.

Thanks for the tip, Andrew!

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