Sunday, July 08, 2012

"I Don't Like What You've Done With the Band."

That's a picture of one of the co-founders of the Cro-Mags, Harley Flanagan, being wheeled out of Webster Hall the other night.

Mr. Flanagan went batshit while current members of the band were preparing to go on stage at the New York venue.  He stormed into their dressing room wielding a hunting knife and managed to stab a couple of guys and bite one on the cheek.

By the time he was subdued, Harley suffered a broken leg. 

Best of all, according to the New York Post,

“People started booing him and throwing stuff at him,” eyewitness Justin Brannan said. “His hands were handcuffed but he still gave everyone the finger.”

You've got to admire that kind of determination.

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