Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ve Haf Vays of Dealink Mit Y'all

You may have heard that Alabama has the strictest law in the country regarding immigration. The law, as we all know, was designed to keep Mexicans out of the state, but sometimes other damn foreigners get caught zipping around without IDs.

For instance, the other day a German executive who works for Mercedes, Detlev Hager, was pulled over in a rental Kia that had no tags. Not only was the car traveling without identification, but so was the driver. One of Hager's lackeys was able to procure his papers and the exec from the Fatherland was released soon after his arrest.

This incident took place in Tuscaloosa (site of a devastating tornado last spring) and Alabamians are thinking maybe their law is going to turn out to be a pain in their collective ass. The battle continues in the courts over various segments of the statute.

It may succeed in keeping foreign money out of the state and of course, raises many questions.

The most important one: Why was a Mercedes executive driving a Kia and a rented one at that?

Thanks for the tip, Gavetti!

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