Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mind Your Own Beeswax

Apparently American Roman Catholic bishops think it's now safe to come out of the closet since the focus of outraged citizens over pedophilia is now on Penn State rather than the Catholic Church.

Wrong, boys.

The clerical dudes are showing renewed vigor when it comes to opposing same gender marriage and abortions.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, pictured above, says he sees "in our culture a drive to neuter religion."

Well, yes, you should.

He added that "well financed, well oiled" sectors are attempting "to push religion back into the sacristy."

And yay to that.

This isn't medieval Italy, boys. This is the United States of America where our founders had the foresight to separate church and state. So yes, you should be pushed back into the sacristy. Alone, without any altar boys.

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