Queen Elizabeth II was in Canada and yesterday she toured Research in Motion in Ontario which is where Blackberrys are made. They gave her a new smartphone while she was there. Now she has something to put in the purse!
She'll be coming to New York and doing queeny things like cutting ribbons and visiting Ground Zero.
It costs citizens of the U.K. a little less than a dollar a day to keep the monarchy and I think it's worth every ha'penny.
They were making a big deal about how the Queen didn't break a sweat at the World Trade Center site despite the fact that it was 103 degrees. I would be surprised if she had any functioning sweat glands.
They were making a big deal about how the Queen didn't break a sweat at the World Trade Center site despite the fact that it was 103 degrees. I would be surprised if she had any functioning sweat glands.
They're in her purse.
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