Wednesday, April 28, 2010

They Sell Horses, Don't They?

I don't know much about horse racing admittedly, but when I saw this picture in today's NY Times I was truly shocked. Isn't this how they sell works of art at Sotheby's? This looks like a nice place. What if the horse takes a dump in the middle of the auction?
Racehorses like this one sell for a lot of money. Millions of dollars. They supposedly earn their keep by winning races and being put out to stud. Nowadays, your mare can get a date with a stallion for about $10K; down from $100K.
The downturn in the economy is taking its toll in the bluegrass country of Kentucky where it's a multi-billion dollar industry.
The sport of kings is just that and not for the feint of heart. It bothers most of us when a horse goes down and then takes a bullet to the brain right there on the track. Hard to remember it's not really a sport but a business, and big business at that.

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