Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Devil's Advocate

I'll be quite honest. I don't know how many Baldwin brothers there are. I know of Alec, he's an actor and has won a lot of awards for 30 Rock. Then I think there's William and/or Daniel. At least one of them is a rehab aficionado. And then there's Stephen.

Stephen is a Jesus freak and he's broke. Well that's all fine and dandy but Steverino actually has a website called "The Restoration of Stephen Baldwin," which makes him sound like a 1949 DeSoto. Allegedly he had nothing to do with its inception but he's not turning down the cash that people are pledging. It was formed by a hardware store owner in Florida on his behalf.

Conservative Christians believe that because of Stephen's evangelism he is catching the brunt of Hollywood's hatred of anything even remotely not same-gender-marrying, God-fearing or anti-health care reform. So they're putting their money where their mouths are.


Dan said...

Does this mean there's going to be a Usual Suspects prequel?

Moons in Leo said...

Dan, I'm embarrassed to say I had to look that up. I didn't even remember he was in that movie. Prequel ... not a bad idea ... call the Weinsteins.