Friday, March 12, 2010

Senior Prom Moment

Back when I was a teenager in New York and dinosaurs roamed the earth, I remember two girls showing up together at the prom. One wore a tux and the other a gown, but I don't think they were gay. They were either trying to make a point or trying to make spectacles of themselves. In any case, it was amusing and the nuns tossed them out immediately.

Of course, we girls were wearing our best Wilma Flintstone woolly mammoth gowns, but this is 2010 people! Is Mississippi still stuck in prehistoric times?


Constance McMillen wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom. They're lesbians and Constance wanted to wear a tux.
The girls attend Itawamba County Agricultural High School. What do they usually wear to school there? Overalls without shirts?
Well anyway, the school district wouldn't let them and, just for spite and to make sure that the other students really hate Constance and her girlfriend, they canceled the prom for everybody! So there gay, lesbian and transgendered people that don't really exist in the South!
The school board claimed permitting the girls to attend the prom (without wearing closets) would be in violation of their policy. What the hell discriminatory policy would that be? Something you guys thought up whilst waiting for your white sheets to dry on the line?
The ACLU has taken up the cause on Constance's behalf.

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