Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gravity is Not Your Friend

Okay, let's get all the political correctness and politeness out of the way first. Suicide is not funny. It's horrible and tragic. Yet there is often something mesmerizing about how someone commits the fatal act.

Take Yale student, Cameron Dabaghi, originally from Austin, Texas. Cameron chose to end his life using the once oft-used, but long-forgotten, leap off the Empire State Building.

Now I haven't been to the top of the Empire State Building in many years, but the last time I was there I noticed that with all the barbed wire, etc., it would be pretty darn hard to climb over it and jump off. You'd have to be very determined to get that done.

The last time someone leaped was from the 66th floor and that was four years ago. Pish posh on that. Over 30 people have jumped since the building opened in 1931.

Mr. Dabaghi jumped during yesterday's evening rush hour, following a long tradition of suicides who like to inconvenience as many people as possible when they kill themselves.

If he had channeled his determination into other areas, he could have been somebody. As it was, the only impact he made was on West 34th street.

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