Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Whipping Boy

In a new book about the late Pope John Paul II, it is revealed that His Holiness self-flagellated and, get this, even on vacation! I guess whipping yourself with a leather belt isn't just for work days anymore.

You may not have heard that PJPII is on the fast track to being named a saint by Pope Benedict XVI. I'm guessing that the revelation that he indulged in self-mortification, fasted and slept on the bare floor is only going to get him to sainthood faster.

According to the AP:

The Vatican must now confirm that a miracle attributed to John Paul's intercession occurred in order for him to be beatified — a step which many Vatican watchers have suggested may come as early as October.

I'm thinking this miracle thing could be a little problematic. Centuries ago, the faithful were a lot more open minded (or easily fooled) about miracles. In the 21st century I suspect fewer actually believe in them. Nevertheless I'm sure the powers that be will figure something out.

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