Friday, January 22, 2010

The Mouth of the Beholder

It's come to my attention that in some parts of the United States, people think that the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant. That is so sad. Maybe not Haitian earthquake sad, but sad nevertheless.

Folks, it's really not an Italian restaurant. Sure they serve foods that end with 'ini' (thanks to that wonderful movie Breaking Away) but in no way shape or form should OG be confused with anything truly Italian.

If you live in a large city that has a respectable Italian populace, you can probably find a good trattoria or ristorante without too much difficulty. If you live in a reasonably sized metropolis and are still eating at the OG, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Similarly, Taco Bell isn't even close to being a Mexican or Tex-Mexican restaurant. It's barely a restaurant. Fast food joint is probably as upwardly mobile as it will ever get. The food is 'prepared' off-site by Pepsico employees and then 'assembled' at your local TB. And TB is probably the only disease you won't get from eating at one.

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