Friday, July 03, 2009

Palin Resigns Governorship ~ May Join WNBA

The last time I listened to anything Sarah Palin had to say was when she went to the turkey slaughterhouse just before Thanksgiving of 2008 and yammered mindlessly to a reporter while an abbatoir worker shoved turkeys head first into little fowl guillotines.

Please understand I have never understood anything she has actually uttered since she speaks some bizarre American dialect that consists solely of non sequiturs so there was no reason to think I would understand her resignation speech.

She seems to think she can effect change outside of government and alluded to a full court press. She was a point guard in high school or college.

So not only isn't she running for a second term as the Governor of Russia's neighbor, Alaska, but she isn't finishing her first term.

Does this mean she has the attention span of a fruit fly or that she will spend the next couple of years tooling around the lower 48 looking for a full time job in 2012 at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Does anyone know?

Bueller? Bueller?

1 comment:

Sonny said...

I'm concerned she might wake up in the morning and realize she's still Sarah Palin. Then what is she gonna do.